Windchill's goodbye message
April 29th, 10:04am: I know quite awhile
back I promised to post what the communicators had said about WindChill's last
words or thoughts/feelings were. Kathi had posted them on the forum so I didn't
feel I needed to re-post them but through your emails learned that many of you
have had trouble accessing the forum or weren't comfortable going on there. To
honor my promise to you, I'm going to post what Kathi had posted on the forum:
"So many of you have asked about what
WC had told the communicators, especially once he had passed on and I have found
it very hard to actually get the words right, or to hold it together long enough
to finish posting this........
Marcia came out the saturday after WC had crossed over and told us what WC had
communicated to her after he had left us.
I have typed this up so many times since he has passed away and either the dsl
has gone down or after I reread it, I realized it sounded cold and clinical and
when I tried to make it more warm and fuzzy I couldnt find the right words,
without changing the meaning of what he had said. So finally I typed it all up
in word and have slowly been editing it as I could.
So here it is.
He said he was surprised, he was sleeping and then he was rising up and morphed
into this magnificent stallion looking down on his broken body. He knew then
that he had crossed over. (The communicator thought that his use of the word
magnificent was an odd choice, but we would tell him every day that he was just
too magnificent for words)
He said thank you thank you thank you to everyone for helping him and making his
spirit whole again. He sent the communicator a picture of a circle of all the
people who cared for him and Walker and Olivia and all the horses he had
befriended standing in a circle around him. His family.
He said that he knew we did everything we could possibly have done and it wasn’t
his choice to leave. His spirit was whole again and his body was just to broken.
He said looking back now, he realized this was inevitable, and was so relieved
that we had stood firm and kept him at the farm rather then taking him to a
medical facility. He was finally with a family and he died loved more then he
could ever have imagined.
He said for me to remember the imagine he had sent me, because that is who he
really was, and that he would be back sometime in our lifetime and we would know
it was him. Not to go looking for him, though, because he would find us.
For those of you have not seen this picture...I would like you to meet 'my baby
boy' otherwise known as WindChill. (This photo is copyrighted, so please do not
remove it from here, it is the logo for The Legacy)

To read more about Windchill's incredible story, visit his
official site:
The WindChill Legacy, Ltd.