Our furry friends (under construction - 04/11)
While the world goes on as we've learned, there will always
be a place in our hearts for those that came before our current furry family.
The Department of Pastureland Security, Canine Division
Formerly, the canine cop patrol was provided by Skidder and Blaze. Skidder was a
5 year old Border Collie whose self proclaimed mission was to ensure that absolutely NO vehicle
large enough to move a horse pulls onto our property when we were not here. He
was a legend with the Post Office and UPS in stopping deliveries completely.
Raindance's Blazing Skies, otherwise known as Blaze, earned her name from two
defining events: the second evening here she made the mistake of walking out
into the pasture where Magic is - an imposing 16+h gelding with low tolerance
for small animals. She almost made it to the fence in a mad blaze for safety
when he caught her and stomped on her. Surprisingly she was only bruised. The
next couple of nights she found solace in the blazing fires in the fireplace
which led to her name. Blaze now lives on the Rainbow Bridge where I'm sure she
still chases the herd. Sometimes I think I hear her in the wind. Only now I
don't tell her to stop chasing the horses...
Rodent Patrol Division
Veteran mouser and evening couch potato Max Davis, ruled the roost for 17 years,
saving countless grain bags from wanton total destruction by rodents mostly
by sleeping on the hay stored next to them. A constant companion to Kathi, he
was known as Mad Max, Leader of the Thundercats because of his complete and
total feisty attitude, jumping into brawls between the dogs for the sheer joy of
the fight.
A keen-eyed, constantly vigilant addition to excuse-makers was Aslan,
who started here roughly the size of my palm and when he
died was longer than my truck.
Actually this was a rare photo for him proving the new camera can shoot
higher resolution photos in less time because he almost never slept for very
long, preferring instead to pounce on anything that moves. Or doesn't move. Or
was never intended to move once placed. Or air. We researched ways to
utilize him as an alternative energy source. In case you were wondering if cats
can swim, Aslan proved they can in our new pool.
Gepetto had turned into a dog pretty much, following us around and curling up to
watch our evening movie. It seems like the best cats are those that become your
constant companion - they come when they're called, they follow along when you
do chores.
Only the good die young...sigh... I
miss you every day goofball.
Equine family who wait on the Rainbow Bridge
A Dance in the Rain, 2001-2009

Mark's Big Annie, 1983-2009
Merry Merry

Home, home on South Range...the weather in paradise...
