warmed by Windchill
Tennessee Walking Horses / Gaited Horses
Breeding ▪ Training ▪ Riding Lessons ▪
Welcome to Raindance
'Breeding hope for a better
Home to 17 Tennessee Walking Horses, 1 spotted
saddle horse, 2 miniature horses, 2 miniature donkeys and the memory and spirits of a little Walkaloosa colt named
Windchill, and his half-sister Isabelle. This is also the home of Halo - a
collie, 3 adult cats (Tiger, Olivia and
Cookie, 2 kittens (Eddie & Izzy), and a humungous garage frog.
Located in South Range, Wisconsin, our herd enjoys
lush pastures, rolling hills, fields, trails and forests giving us the room we
need for all the training, boarding, breeding and riding. The variety of terrain
in the surrounding area gives our horses a wider breadth of experience -
everything from riding an open field to alongside a road, to trails, to climbing
hills in the woods as well as riding alongside, through and over streams.
Combine that experience with kids coming to visit and dogs running alongside on
our rides and you'll find our horses to be fairly 'laid back' and friendly!

Raindance Webcam, Picture, Blog & Horse Sale Links
Raindance Riding Lessons & Training Information
Raindance Horse Company, LLC's Horses for Sale
(and from time to time you might find a few other surprises for sale here)
Raindance Barn Cams
(barn cams are down until I get a new router)
Raindance Pasture
(faces trailer parking/riding pen/barn)
More than
a trainer
Friends We
Remember (memorial page)
Raindance Farms/Jeffrey L. Tucker's official blog
(the entire blog archive has been moved to this new site
Coming to visit Raindance Farms, LLC - Barn Rules &
Jeffrey L Tucker | Create Your Badge

(updated regularly via iphone - woohoo!)

(panoramic view of Raindance from Christmas a couple of years ago)
December 6, 2010: Woohoo - it's Christmas season! God bless us everyone!
November 10, 2010: I went to Gander Mountain today, Jord.
Our birthday tradition. I took the same
path we always ended up taking. I looked at rifles. No, I still haven't bought a
30/30 yet. Always figured we'd do that together on a someday that never came. I
looked at those trail cameras you liked. They're the same price. We shudda just
bought you one. I never gave you a budget. It never occurred to me that wouldve
helped you look for stuff. I was just happy to be there with you. I learned from
you. Today I turned my cell phone off. Just like you did. I was in the moment.
Like you were. I looked at all those fishing lures, like we always did. But this
time I couldn't hear your voice. Even the echoes have faded. I
tried so hard to remember what you told me about what they all did. I tried to
hear your voice. But it's gone. I walked the same aisles, searching for
you...desperately listening. I looked for you in the parking lost - the last
place I saw you alive. I remember you trying to choose between that deer
shirt and the bass one and telling you to get both. I remember telling you that
you should get a job at Gander Mountain as we stood in line and laughing when
you said you'd work for store credit. You said you'd look for a job after
hunting season and I agreed it was better to wait. I found the fishing lure you
were so excited we bought you. They've moved them and I still found it. Just
like I found it next to your bed after you died. The same one that's on top of
your ashes on my shelf. There was just as many people here this year but the
store was so much emptier without your voice explaining to me what all this
stuff is. I don't know if I'll come back here next year now that you're not
here. I didn't realize the echoes would fade too. I'll still remember each and
every birthday Jordan. I just don't think it will be here.
Jordan Tucker
February 28, 2010, 7:16pm: Wow. 2 years ago tonight. A lot sure happens in two years, doesn't it? So many posts, the posts were so positive. 2 years ago February 28th was a big day for the little man, he was very active, excited, we had had a pizza party with him. The posts are all programmed into the blog site, all the way through early March. I'm amazed at how much occurred. How busy today was in his life two years ago. And it still would never have occurred to me there weren't many more busy days ahead for Windchill.
Raindance Horse Company, LLC's Horses for Sale
August 6, 2009: Simply Chaos...
Downright uncanny, isn't it? (Chaos standing in his stall)
My blog is located at:
Raindance Farms & Jeffrey L. Tucker's official blog site

Jordan Lee Tucker
(click on name to go to his page)
November 10, 1990 - November 15, 2008
May 28, 2007 - February 29, 2008
Windchill's Goodbye Message To Us
BBQ Videos
(BBQ pictures are posted on the blog site:
2009 BBQ Photos)
Windchill Links:
Windchill's Story
The WindChill Legacy
Sign Windchill's Guest Book
See Windchill's Original
Guest Book & Memorials
Windchill's letter to all the children who wrote him
Windchill's Photo Gallery
To our many good friends - the members of our Windchill family - thank you.
Thank you for your support, your prayers, your thoughts and the donations that
made his non-profit Legacy possible. Together we've done amazing things.
Together we've reached out because we all know...
…”Maybe somewhere deep in each being’s heart and soul is a
belief that it can be loved and that’s what WindChill holds on to…” (Jeff

The country life:
"I live out on the backroads
Where I walk my country mile
And if it’s so good in the city
Why don’t anybody smile?
The traffic’s always heavy
And the air ain’t fit to breathe
I ain’t saying that it’s wrong for you
It just don’t make
sense to me.." (Toby Keith)

Well. Maybe just be careful not to trip over him as you peruse the site.
